How to hit your mark of 10,000 steps even when it rains outside

The monsoon season may prove to be a hindrance for people who love to walk outside. However, there are some ways we can take to ensure that we get our daily step count in.

Monsoon rains are very welcome at this time of the year. Not only do they bring relief from the scorching summer heat, they are also essential for the growth of crops and the flushing out of dirt and dust in major cities. Indians often associate several memorable images from childhood to rains - chai, pakora, paper boats, gumboots, tiny puddles - and many of these activities can prove to be soul-soothing.

However, frequent rains can make the mornings dull for people who are used to walking outside and heading to the parks as those are often filled with water and mud. There are ways we can get around this and ensure that we remain committed to our fitness journeys.

One of the best ways to motivate yourself to walk more is to count the steps. People often suggest following the 10,000 steps rule where you should look to get at least 10,000 steps every single day and this can be easily achieved even in the confines of your own home.

"Staying active during the monsoon is imperative, because the weather can easily tempt us to curl up and snooze. Day-to-day changes can be achieved via choices like taking the stairs versus the elevator, and remembering to walk around when on phone calls or while watching your favourite TV show. This is an easy fix to hitting your steps goal, each day.

Bigger changes involve moving your workout from the outdoors to an indoor space. For runners and other athletes like those who play football or cricket, and fitness beginners alike, the monsoon is a great time to join a gym or a fitness studio and focus on strength training, stretching, recovery and increasing flexibility – which will allow you to perform stronger and better once you’re back outdoors," says Mallika Tarkas Parekh, health and wellness expert, M.S., M.P.H., Owner of Physique 57 India.

What are the ways in which you can meet your necessary daily step count even when it rains outside?

Walk while watching a TV show or on a call

An extremely easy and convenient option is walking indoors. Walk in place while watching a favourite TV show, listening to music, or talking on the phone. Even though you may not feel like you’re going anywhere, the steps will add up over the course of the day.

Dance to your favourite songs

Dancing is a great and dynamic exercise that can be a substitute for walking. Dancing to music or following an aerobics routine will keep you engaged with physical activities. Other activities include zumba, skipping, jumping jacks, and hopping that can also be done easily at home.

Walk the hallways of your office or apartment

Try not to limit yourself to just your bedroom or living room. You can also explore other indoor spaces. For example, you can also consider walking the hallways of your apartment building, office complex, or a large shopping mall. These enclosed environments provide ample space for walking and help you stay dry while you clock your steps.

Get the step count in on a treadmill

Having access to a treadmill or a stationary bike at a gym or at home can help you meet your daily step count.

Engage in games of badminton or table tennis

Games of badminton or table tennis can be easily played indoors. Not only are they beneficial for healthy but also offer a fun element that helps you bond with friends and family.

Clean your house

Regular daily activities like climbing stairs, dusting and cleaning and mopping your house can help you attain your daily step count. Make the most of these activities and try to keep yourself active throughout the day.