Should somebody lift weights even if they don’t want to become a bodybuilder?

Many people often tend to be worried that they will look like a bodybuilder if they lift weights. However, that cannot be further from the truth and weightlifting has several other benefits.

Some people, usually women, have this concern that they will end up looking like a bodybuilder if they lift weights and that resistance training is only limited to those who want to get into the bodybuilding physique. However, that is not necessarily true and in fact, training routines are usually adjusted and customized to suit everyone’s needs.

This means that you don’t have to give up on the idea of weight training altogether. So, lifting dumbbells and heavy weights will not necessarily make you look like a bulky bodybuilder with chiseled muscles, especially if that is not the kind of physical aesthetic you are looking for.

Moreover, everyone, regardless of their gender or aesthetic goal, should lift weights in some capacity since the benefits of it are manifold. Resistance training is an important aspect of maintaining overall health and fitness levels it is extended to people of all age and fitness levels.

Lifting weights strengthens and tones the muscles while also building endurance. It also leads to greater muscle mass, increased bone density, and also improves the metabolism. As such, everyone should try to incorporate weight training into their fitness regime.

Here are some of the several benefits of lifting weights:

Helps to build muscle mass

Probably the most significant benefit of lifting weights is that it helps to maintain and build lean muscle mass. The human body tends to lose muscle due to inactivity and age and it can lead to weakness while also putting the body at risk of frequent pain, loss of strength and balances as well as injuries. Several studies have shown that weight training can have a significant impact on muscle mass, and when done regularly, allows us to put on lean muscle mass. This leads to better physical function and independence and the benefits can especially be reaped later on in life when we age.

Strengthens the bone density

The body reabsorbs calcium and phosphate from the bones as we age and this causes the bones to become weaker with time. It can lead to greater risk of catching diseases like osteoporosis and may lead the bones to become brittle. Studies published in the journal Endocrinology and Metabolism found that resistance training can prevent the risk of osteoporosis. Therefore, lifting weights is also important to improve bone density.

Leads to greater weight loss

Lifting weights regularly increases the resting metabolic rate of the body. This leads to an increase in metabolism by the growth in muscle mass.  Muscle is a metabolically active tissue, meaning it burns more calories at rest than fat. Therefore, increasing muscle mass through lifting weights can lead to an increase in overall calorie expenditure, which can be beneficial in weight loss and weight management.