The fitness habits that are detrimental to the body after 30

While maintaining an active lifestyle dedicated towards fitness is always a great idea, there are a few things that people should keep in mind as their bodies start reaching middle age.

There is no doubt that actively pursuing a healthy lifestyle and being involved with frequent exercises and healthy diets are always recommended, however, there are some habits that may be more taxing and exert a greater toll on the body as we start approaching our 30s.

Some of these habits end up doing more harm than good as our bodies continue to age and avoiding these practices and incorporating healthier alternatives are a much more efficient way to ensure that our bodies function at a high level especially as we enter our late 30s and early 40s.

From overworking ourselves to neglecting proper warm-ups, many of us make several common mistakes when it comes to fitness. Let’s discuss some of these common issues:

Over-exerting the body on a regular basis

There is a fine line between stimulating the muscles enough and over-pushing them to the point of burnout. Over-training can lead to frequent injuries, fatigue, decreased motivation and also a whole host of other issues including digestion problems. This is why ensuring your body gets proper rest, especially as you age, is extremely necessary. A general rule of thumb suggests that you should wait at least 36-48 hours before training the same muscle group again.

Similarly, high-impact workouts can take a toll on the joints and that is why they should be mixed up with low-impact activities like swimming, yoga, walking or cycling in order to reduce the strain on the body’s joints and muscle groups.

No variations in your exercise regime

It goes without saying that repeating the same exercises or workout routine day after day and week after week leads to a loss in motivation. Moreover, it can also lead to muscle imbalances and boredom which may prevent you from pushing at your best level in the gym.

While it is not recommended that you should switch from one exercise to the another every single time, it is often a good idea to incorporate new routines or alternate between certain exercises every few weeks.

Nutrition is being ignored

There is a long-standing philosophy in the fitness world that says that ‘You cannot out-train or out-work a terrible diet.’ Even if your goal may not be to cut down to 12% body fat to show visible abs, a bad diet will not only compromise your training gains, it will also lead to extensive negative impact and repercussions over time.

Irrespective of how much work you put in the gym, you need to supply your body with enough protein to help with the muscle-protein synthesis and enough carbs to fuel your activities throughout the day. There should also be a good balance of healthy fats in your daily intake in order to regulate your hormones well.

Sleep isn’t prioritized enough

Proper sleep is one of the most underrated aspects of any well-rounded fitness routine. Sleep allows the body to recover fully from a taxing workout and it is when we are in deep sleep that the muscle-protein synthesis takes place.

Without adequate sleep, your body won't have the energy it needs to perform at its best, and you may be more prone to injuries and illnesses. It is also a healthy habit to build as we continue to age.

The importance of stretching, warm-ups and cool-downs

Not taking the time to stretch is a bad fitness habit that many of us tend to ignore. Stretching helps the body with agility and mobility and improves functionality. Spending a few minutes to stretch out the body after workout helps reduce muscle soreness and prevent injuries.

Similarly, the lack of a proper warm-up and cool-down routine can also increase the risk of injuries and further prolong recovery time. As a result, you should spend a few minutes before and after your workout stretching and doing light cardio to prepare your body for exercise and help support recovery.