Treadmill or stationary bike: Which equipment burns more calories per hour?

Both treadmills and stationary bikes are helpful in providing cardiovascular workouts and have several benefits. It is an important to choose one that you can stick to and enjoy doing in the long run.

Treadmills and stationary bikes are two of the most common equipment that are readily available for use in most gyms, fitness studios or even home workout spaces across the world. There’s a reason behind their immense popularity. Both are wonderful ways to train indoors and they also provide relief from the heat outside.

More importantly though, treadmills and stationary bikes provide a range of challenges that are suitable for both beginners and experts. The difficulty level can be customised according to requirements and they are extremely beneficial for cardiovascular workouts.

But what are the differences between the two?

Treadmill workouts are an effective form of aerobic exercise which can improve heart health, strengthen the cardiovascular system and increase endurance. “They offer adjustable speed and incline settings, allowing you to customise your workout intensity and target different muscle groups. Treadmills usually come equipped with features such as heart rate monitors, calorie counters, and distance trackers, enabling you to monitor and track your progress over time,” said fitness coach Utsav Agarwal.

Meanwhile, cycling is considered a low-impact cardiovascular workout which doesn’t put much stress on the joints but improves health and endurance. “Cycling engages the muscles of the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes, helping to strengthen and tone these muscle groups. They offer adjustable resistance levels, allowing you to customise the intensity of your workout and progressively challenge yourself. Moreover, the seated position on an exercise bike reduces stress on the joints, making it a suitable option for individuals with joint problems or those recovering from injuries,” he further added.

But which equipment is better for weight loss?

Obviously, having both treadmill and stationary bike exercises in your workout routine is a great idea and they can effectively combine to weight loss provided that diet and regular exercise routine are in place.

 “However, working out on the treadmills tend to help burn more calories per hour compared to exercise bikes as they engage more muscle groups, including the upper body if you choose to use the handrails. The impact on weight loss ultimately depends on the intensity, duration and consistency of the workout rather than the specific equipment,” he further added.

It must be stressed that at the end of the day, one should choose an exercise that they like and are comfortable with. This will allow them to be consistent and stick to it in the long run, which makes all the difference.